Monday, March 2, 2009


When the mercury rises it brings the risk of a potentially fatal illness: heat stroke. Did you know that mental illness and some medications used to treat mental disorders actually increase the risk for heat stroke?

Heat stroke occurs when the body is unable to properly cool itself. Normally, the body will regulate temperature by sweating, but heat stroke impairs the body’s ability to do this. If heat stroke is not treated immediately, it can cause permanent disability, even death.

Disturbingly, individuals with mental illness may be particularly susceptible to it. Certain medications, including anti-psychotics and anti-cholinergics, are known to raise the risk for heat stroke because they inhibit the body’s ability to regulate its temperature. Additionally, people with mental illnesses who live in low-income housing without air conditioning are also at an increased risk for heat stroke. This combination is dangerous; during a 1999 heat wave in Cincinnati, Ohio, almost half of the 18 related deaths were individuals with a mental disorder.

To help protect yourself or a loved one from the dangers of heat stroke, read and put into effect the following lists.

DO: Educate yourself about the symptoms of heat stroke such as:
** An extremely high body temperature (above 103 degrees F.)
** Red, hot and dry skin (no sweating)
** Rapid, strong pulse
** Dizziness
** Nausea
** Confusion
** Unconsciousness

Stay indoors and use air conditioning if possible. If your home does not have A/C, go to a place that does such as a mall or public library. Also call your local health-department to see if there are any heat-relief shelters nearby.

Drink more fluids and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. Also, adjust your diet and include cold foods that are rich in water, such as fruit and salads.

Wear lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing.

Monitor loved ones and neighbors during a heat wave for signs of stroke.

Immediately seek medical attention if someone shows signs and symptoms of heat stroke.


Exercise vigorously outdoors. If you have to be outdoors, drink plenty of fluids frequently and sit in a shaded area. Limit your activity to early morning or evening hours.

Drink liquids that contain caffeine, alcohol, or large amounts of sugar—these can cause you to lose more body fluids.

Depend on electric fans to cool you once the temperatures hit the high 90’s. A cool shower or bath or going to an air-conditioned location is a much safer way to cool off.

NEVER leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle!